
It’s been fifteen days since my last update so you probably know by now if you’re stopping in regularly that this may not be updated too frequently just yet. Why is that? Life is still in the way.

My oldest son got a surprise that he is heading to boot camp for the Navy next Wednesday. Originally he was supposed to go in July but the date kept getting pushed back and we thought it was going to be September. His clearances weren’t getting done, etc. Government stuff. Suddenly, out of the blue about a week and a half ago now they said July 29th. Now that has changed to July 24th! Sigh. Needless to say, that has caused a rush of activity for everyone to say their goodbyes and for me to prepare for him to leave.

I am not prepared. I thought I was, but I’m probably not. I’ll kinda leave it at that.

Anyway, it’s kind of taken me away from gaming for blogs or streams at the moment and that’s totally ok for me, but it hasn’t lessened my desire to produce some fun things for people to see. I had about eight good years in the industry as a freelance writer and I think I’ve always had a ton of knowledge of the history of videogames and can relate lots of cool things in either text, vocal or video form so that will happen! Bear with me as I go through this one big huge life change and there will be gaming to come.

Real quick, I have continued playing a lot of Samurai Shodown and well, I absolutely love it. It has so much of the flavor of the original two games in the series. They are my favorites, so I appreciate that. One small gripe I have is when playing online the music is always the track from the character you play as instead of being from your opponent or a stage. I’d like to have the option to change that. Street Fighter V offers that to the player and this game should too. It’s a minor gripe though because the music is good and I play Earthquake who has one of the better music tracks in the game.

It’s easy to pick that up and play it for short periods of time so it’s been perfect for me lately. Outside of that, I did get in a little retro with Elemental Master on Genesis. You can read about that at RGB. Until next time…

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